In 2007, following an International Workshop held in Urbino, on the subject of Guidobaldo Del Monte (1545-1607). ‘Mathematiche’ e tecnica da Urbino all’Europa (Mathematics and technics from Urbino to Europe), the need emerged, among the academics present, to set up a network of Institutions, with the objective of encouraging research collaboration between their respective academics, promoting and extending their reciprocal opportunities for research and learning, focusing especially on further study and understanding of the history of science and technology, from its Greek and Latin roots to the present day, with particular emphasis on the period stretching from the Renaissance to the Scientific Revolution. These intentions were confirmed again in 2009, following the International Workshop held in Urbino entitled Federico Commandino (1509-1575) Umanesimo e Matematica nel Rinascimento Urbinate, (Humanism and Mathematics in Urbino’s Renaissance) and in 2011, following further meetings in Urbino, Berlin, Paris, Bologna and Vinci between academics representing a number of international institutions. In view of the above, and with the intention of giving a tangible response to the instances illustrated above, some Institutions wished to establish themselves as a network named “Archimedes in the Renaissance: The Origins of Modernity” with the objective of promoting collaborative research, developing projects, organizing meetings and conventions on the history of scientific, technical and artistic thought.